My Life Capsule: A secure data and file sharing app
Author: Judith Bennett
Date: LIJ October 2022
What is My Life Capsule? Secure data sharing and management for clients in family, property and estate planning
What type of technology? Cloud-based portal and mobile app with data vault
Vendor My Life Capsule Pty Ltd
Country of origin? Australia
Similar tech products Everplan (US), various CRMs
Non-tech alternatives Lawyers, paralegals
More information
Which practitioners would find this technology useful?
Family, property and estate lawyers helping clients manage and reduce the logistical and emotional stress of events such as divorce, relocation, and end-of-life planning and management.
The client portal with its Emergency, Personal and Junior Vaults is now active in 40 countries. For legal and other businesses, the Partner Portal and Client Capsule for family law, accident, illness and emergencies were expected to go live in September 2022.
What is it?
My Life Capsule is a portal where clients can organise their data and files, protect their personal information, control their privacy and securely share their important information to connect with their families.
It adds the Partner Portal to enable secure data and file sharing with real-time consent management. It also adds the Client Capsule feature with 24/7 mobile access to critical information, cross-generational family sharing and direct secure communication to the legal business.
My Life Capsule was founded by Pam Woodhouse in 2020 motivated by stressful events in her family. The Holmes and Rahe 1967 stress scale shows that many of the 43 significant life events – positive and negative – such as marriage, divorce, death of a loved one, pregnancy or a new job are likely to happen in everyone’s lives. These events have four things in common – emotion, logistics, paperwork and lots of personal stress. My Life Capsule is designed to help clients manage these better and help law firms assist clients.
How does it work?
My Life Capsule is designed to be a bolt on tool with an easy set up. A key feature is that the user has 100 per cent control over who sees their data, when and for how long. For law firms, it provides a Partner Portal and Client Capsule with:
direct and private secure messaging with clients
easy client on-boarding
secure data and file sharing directly to and from client portal
client management dashboard
real-time client consent to transfer data and files to third parties
audit trail and complete data control
unique client support for day-to-day and time-critical administration
compliance with consumer data rights obligations – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Consumer Data Right (CDR).
Client Capsules help individuals and families to organise, protect and share important information with the latest data privacy and security technology. Each capsule offers vaults covering emergency, personal and unlimited junior vaults for children. A vault may include wellness, identity and passwords, finances, legal and estate information, education and career, photos and videos, and life event checklists.
My Life Capsule currently offers co-branding to law firms. Additional features are being developed including customised client checklists for different areas of law and integration with practice management systems.
Benefits claimed include:
improving client engagement and retention
enhancing client wellbeing, organisation and family connection
reducing approval, advice cycles and abandonment when documents or their details are not at hand
reducing corporate risk by mitigating fraud and identity theft
meeting increasing consumer data obligations with GDPR and CDR compliance
extending market engagement and sales through.
This tool is focused on areas of law where there is high personal stress and emotions experienced by clients.
Security cyber risk as with any cloud offering is present for confidential data moving beyond a law firm’s internal systems. My Life Capsule emphasises security and privacy with access via secret code and end to end encryption of data and vaults to GDPR, Open Banking, P2D2 and Australia’s CDR standards. It has partnered with a digital security specialist for secure infrastructure.
The enterprise model re is $55 per year or $550 for lifetime access per client user. When the matter ends, the client has the option to download all data or move to a personal plan. ■